Track 02: Whiteboxing

Hello rockers! I am developing the game mechanics of The Secret to a Successful House Show in Unity. It is definitely a new experience. I am familiar with the UI in the ways it relates to 3D programs. My plan these next couple of weeks is to develop the game play to be more interesting overall. I think that will come as I learn Unity's way of thinking more as well.

With great thanks and help of my professor, here is what I have done so far.

The environments showcased in the game are 3D models I did over the weekend. They are purely to help me see the layout and perspective the game is set in. I will use the renders as a base for the final art to be placed in over time.

Here are some sketches of props that will be around the house, including a color sample of what a final prop may look like.

I can't wait to add more of my sketches/ concept art into the game build and watch it evolve over time into the final product.

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